Senin, 08 Juni 2009

Kingdom of Kutai

Kutai Martadipura figured is the oldest Hindu kingdom in the archipelago and throughout Southeast Asia. Kingdom is located in Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan, precisely in the Mahakam river upstream. Kutai name was taken from place names found inscription that describes the kingdom is. Kutai name given by the experts because there is no inscription which clearly mention the name of this kingdom. Because of the very little information can be obtained due to the lack of historical sources.

History obtained from the kingdom of this information is from Yupa / Tugu in ritual sacrifice that came from the 4th century. There are seven yupa become the main source for experts in the history of the Kingdom of Kutai. From one of yupa is known that the king who ruled the kingdom of Kutai that time is Mulawarman. Yupa his name recorded in 1000 because kedermawanannya menyedekahkan oxtail to the Brahmin.

Tentram people and circumstances at the time of peace be governed by the king Mulawarman.
Kutai kingdom ended when King Kutai named Maharaja Setia Dharma killed in battle in the hands of the King of Kutai Kartanegara to-13, Aji Anum Prince Panji Mendapa. Please note that this Kutai (Kutai Martadipura) different from the Kingdom of Kutai Kartanegara the capital was first located in the Kutai Lama (Tanjung Kute). Kutai Kartanegara this is, in the year 1365, mentioned in the literature Java Negarakertagama. Kutai Kartanegara next be called the Islamic kingdom of Kutai Kartanegara.

Kings of the Kingdom of Kutai
1. Kaiser Kudungga
2. Kaiser Asmawarman
3. Maharaja Sri Aswawarman
4. Kaiser Marawijaya Warman
5. Kaiser Gajayana Warman
6. Kaiser Tungga Warman
7. Kaiser Jayanaga Warman
8. Kaiser Nalasinga Warman
9. Nala Maharaja Tungga Parana
10. Maharaja Dewa Gadingga Warman
11. Maharaja Dewa Indra Warman
12. Maharaja Dewa prop Warman
13. Kaiser Candrawarman
14. Dewa Maharaja Sri Lanka
15. The Maharaja Dewa Parana
16. Kaiser Wijaya Warman
17. Sri Maharaja Dewa Aji
18. Putera Maharaja Mulia
19. Nala Maharaja Pandita
20. Maharaja Dewa Indra Paruta
21. Maharaja Setia Dharma

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